Water is source of life and could be source of disease too once pollutions from industrial sewage or chemical laboratories cascade them. On the following list, we are going to explore 10water pollution factsaround the world. Honestly, I disagree to call them interesting facts because they are bad news for all of us.
1. Caused of Water Pollution
Water pollution route
Fertilizer dispel, sewage wastewater, household and industrial chemical discharge caused water pollutions in rivers, ocean, and lakes.
2. Water Pollution in America
2. Water Pollution in America
Annually, American waters received 1.2 trillion gallons of raw sewage from industrial or household and restaurant, stormwater. Asian continent owns the most polluted rivers in the world. Most pollution contain bacteria, which is coming from human waste
3. Fresh Water Pollution
Fresh water pollution is problem of more than half population of the planet. The polluted water becomes bacteria, parasites, and virus carrier that cause typhoid, Cholera, and various diarrheal diseases.3. Fresh Water Pollution
4. Water pollution composition
Plastic waste that goes to coastal waters kills around 100 thousands marine mammals, a million sea birds and uncounted different fishes. This fact is another reason why the number of aquatic endangered species higher every year.
5. Source of Water Pollution
5. Source of Water Pollution
Land Sewage distribution
80 percent of water pollution in our coastal area or oceans is coming from land activity residue. The pollution compose is industrial sewage, soap from washing cars, garbage, used Oil, trash cans, plastic include human waste
6.Pollution in America’s Rivers
6.Pollution in America’s Rivers
40 percent of rivers in America are too dirty or unhealthy for swimming, fishing even for the aquatic life in it. Little worse, 46 percent of lakes in America are too polluted or hazardous for swimming, fishing even for the aquatic life in it.
7. Eutrophication (Nitrogen and phosphoric acid) degraded moderately 2/3 of America’s estuaries include bays. The Mississippi River, which delivers nearly 40 percent of US water need, distributes 1.5 million metric tons of Nitrogen sewage to the Gulf of Mexico every year. The size of hypoxic maritime dead zone is about as big as Massachusetts.
7. Eutrophication (Nitrogen and phosphoric acid) degraded moderately 2/3 of America’s estuaries include bays. The Mississippi River, which delivers nearly 40 percent of US water need, distributes 1.5 million metric tons of Nitrogen sewage to the Gulf of Mexico every year. The size of hypoxic maritime dead zone is about as big as Massachusetts.
8. Water Pollution terror on US’s river are mainly coming from polluted dispel of parking lots, roads, and lawns, pesticides, or fertilizers runoff from farmland, residue of mining and logging operation on a woodland and livestock damage on the land
9. 10 Most polluted rivers in Canada
9. 10 Most polluted rivers in Canada
10 most endangered rivers in Canada is (1) Petitcodiac River, (2) Eastmain River,(3) Okanagan River, (4 ) Taku River / Iskut River,(5 ) Groundhog River,(6) Milk River,(7) Peel River,(8) Red River,(9) Churchill River and (10) Bow River.
10. China water pollution fact
10. China water pollution fact
Polluted River China
In 2004, Scientists found that 7 major rivers in China is polluted, hazardous and undrinkable. In Europe, Sarno is the most polluted river, Slovakia is a country with the lowest freshwater standard, and Greece is a country with the cleanest ocean follows by Spain and Germany. On top rank of countries with the dirtiest coastal water in Europe, we have Lithuania and Slovenia.
These 10 facts about water pollution only view from thousand water pollution reality in front of our eyes. It need more than hand of one man to slow the spread
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