Turtles are intriguing creatures that have been around for a very, very long time. I’ve often wondered what turtles would have to say if they could talk to us. Since most turtles live longer than people they should have quite a bit to say if they could. Turtles are often depicted as symbols of patience and wisdom. This article to learn 10 interesting facts about sea turtles.
1. Most Sea Turtles are nomads and travel about 1,300 miles a day! Leatherback Sea Turtles have the longest migration of all Sea Turtles.
Sea Turtle
2. The Hawksbill Sea Turtle is probably one of the Sea Turtle you see most. They are given this name because of their hawk shaped bill. However, the Hawksbill Sea Turtle also is the most endangered.
Hawkbill sea turtle
3. Leatherback Sea Turtles can dive more than 300 meters. Sea Turtles can stay submerged underwater for as long as 5 hours. But this is dangerous because it slows down the Sea Turtles heart rate to conserve oxygen. 10 minutes can elapse in between heart beats.
4. On a Sea Turtle’s shell there are strange markings. A lost culture has believed they could tell when the end of the world could be by reading the marks.
sea turtle swim
5. The deep green Sea Turtle is killed because of its beautiful skin. The Hawksbill Sea Turtle is killed for products like shells, leather, perfumes, and cosmetics. They are sold for high prices, up to $250 a kilogram! This is a major factor and is killing many Hawksbills.
Sea Turtle killed
6. Loggerhead turtles nest in the Carolinas but other sea turtles feed in our waters. They are called Loggerheads because they have the largest head of all sea turtles. They can lay up to 7 nests in one season and usually nest every two years.
7. Mortality rates for turtle eggs are high due to predation by ghost crabs, raccoons, & foxes. Some nests are laid to close to the tide line and if not relocated will be lost.
Eggs sea turtle
8. High mortality rates for hatchlings, juveniles and adult turtles are commonly due to predation by sharks, birds, fish, fishing gear(long line), ingestion of marine debris, boat strikes, trash on beaches and pollution.
sea turtle imortality
9. Loggerheads use their powerful jaw to crush their food. They most often eat clams, jelly fish, squid, crustaceans such as crabs and spiny lobsters. Most of the nesting takes place in the evening or early morning from May through August. Darkness serves as added protection for nests as well as the hatchlings. Once a nest is laid it takes 55 to 90 days for the hatchlings to emerge.
Loggerheads use their powerful jaw
10. Facts about sea turtlehave been on earth for more than two-hundred million years.
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