7 Januari 2010

Treating Diarrhea Traditional mode

Diarrhea disease is easily spread quickly through the food or drink with water. Even the great plague if not promptly dealt with carefully.
Early signs:
a. Stomach ache-wrap, nausea
b. Watery stools and yellowish
c. Body temperature rises can also go down (not stable)

1. a) 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
    b) 1 teaspoon salt. Both are brewed and drunk in the morning and afternoon
2. Take an old turmeric grated and kept clean filtered / squeezed a little water and salt plus a kitchen can be drunk in the morning and afternoon.
3. Take 5 pieces of guava leaf klutuk / clean guavas boiled can be added a little salt. Drink morning and evening.

Please note: Get used to drinking water that has been cooked, foods and beverages should be closed. The place should be clean from flies, cockroaches, and ants. Drink as much as possible so that our bodies hydrated. Foods should also be looked at carefully, stay away from foods that out loud, hot and too cold. Food porridge and lots of bitter tea.

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