2 Desember 2009

Tip Reprimand Children

In the eyes of parents, children often do wrong or naughty. As parents, sometimes we get confused how to advise him. Not infrequently we directly get angry or hit him, but it was not a wise thing. When children berbua wrong, it is commonplace. The issue is, should they be punished? To what extent? How should admonish fault?

Tip Reprimand Children Here are some tips that we can use in admonish children: . When children do wrong, they need to be advised. More impressive if their parents own doing, not through intermediaries. Explain the mistakes they made. Rebuke with a fine and full of wisdom. Avoid using force because maybe it would have a negative impact on children. Later they could be imitating these ways.

. Attitudes are too soft are also not good. Can-can the child does not feel he was being scolded. Later he would look lightly
his mistakes and will dare to repeat.

. Avoid rebuked the child in front of crowds, sister or brother to another. This situation will make him ashamed. He will senantiara feel that others are pointing at him wrong. As a result, lost the feeling of shame and he will dare make that mistake again openly.

. When children love to lie, steal, or hit her friend, and no respect for older people, then remind him of the reward and fear of God in both the world and the hereafter.

. If children make mistakes behind us but in front of the applicable sweet, remind you that God always see everything he does. Indirectly it also means we instill unity to him.

. At fault is corrected, show him what he should do. Do not just blame pamdai without being able to give a solution.
What we need to remember, put the penalty as a last alternative. After a warning or advice if we do not work, and there is no other way except to punish him. That, too, in order to educate, not to vent our frustrations over his behavior.

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