28 Desember 2009

Cause Su'ul Khotimah

Know, O thou most fortunate that su'ul Khotimah Insha Allah (the bad end of life) may not be experienced by people who constantly improve themselves, both physically and his mind with God Almighty, and always acted honestly, in both deeds and words, because This story never existed. However, su'ul Khotimah that would befall the people his inner conviction and outward deeds have been damaged, and all those who dare to boldly do major sins and usual playing around with crime or immorality, so all the bad deeds that will dominate himself, to get her death, before he had time to repent NASHUHA (real repentance).

Then, know also that su'ul Khotimah many causes. As for the many causes of the most urgent are:
1. Associating anything with Allah. The nature of associating partners with Allah is to drape the liver to other than Allah, whether in the form of love, fear, hope, prayer, trust, Inabah rehab centers(repentance), etc..

2. Doing heresy in religious matters. Bid'ah is invent a new thing that there is no guidance, either from Allah (the Quran) and the Messenger of Allah (Al-Hadith). Therefore, the perpetrators of heresy is not likely to be allowed to enjoy Husnul Khotimah. Especially if it turns out he was among those who are still working on sampaikannya act of heresy after the argument. We seek refuge in Allah from His abandoned like this.

3. Always dabbling in disobedience, disobedience, because he considered trivial and belittle his existence. Apakagi immoral-immoral if it included major sins, then all the bad deeds together Satan will abandon the culprit, until the seconds before his death.Where have gathered into one in a person, God has let him and his faith were also down, then he will dijerembabkan into su'ul Khotimah.

4. Make fun of religion Islam and its adherents, such as the clergy, missionary interpreters and people Salih, a light hand (rude) and say dirty words to them.

5. Dereliction of God Almighty and feel secure from Him adzab.

6. To do zholim. Kezholiman is a blossoming and berteduhnya (kemaksiatan-kemaksiatan. People do zholim are the ones leading the most deserves a su'ul Khotimah. We seek refuge in God from this day.

7. Associating with evil people (like thugs, criminals, etc.)

8. Ujub (pride). The nature of this trait is a sense of pride that people get attacked by the perpetrators when doing a practice is accompanied by low regard deeds done by others and feel most high when compared with them.

Here are some major causes su'ul Khotimah, because all that is base and source of all evil.
Therefore, should people who berakak longer guided truly away from and avoid the things above, in order to avoid su'ul Khotimah.

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