21 Desember 2009

Prescription Medication Skin Diseases

Skin Desease (Panu) including a mild skin disease, and contagious. Transmission of the disease is mainly with the intersection, for clothing, towels. Panu makes people feel inferior, especially if phlegm is in our face. Panu caused a kind of fungus or mold which interrupted its growth center in between the thighs or breasts.
We recommend:
a. Bathroom is clean and orderly.
b. Clean environment and sunlight.
c. Avoid borrowing clothes, towels for people with skin fungus disease.
a. Take galangal or fresh laos beat pulp could be added a little water and scrub in which phlegm is growing.
b. Take sulfur and finely ground coupled with lime juice, a little salt, rub the regular morning and afternoon.
1) Chinese ketepeng leaves one cell.
2) whiting (a little), sulfur (less)
After everything is mashed with a little water added can be used as a liniment which panu grow. Dry phlegm regularly until healed.
Other Ways
a. Methylated 50 cc
b. Salysil acid 5 grams

1. Methylated and mixed until blended salysil acid (without heating)
Note: Avoid eye because the drug outside and away from the kids.

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