19 Desember 2009

A Leader Or A Manager

A Leader is different from a manager. Manager can be leaders. Leaders don't have to be managers. To understand the distinction between to lead and to manage, compare their impact to the organization. To leadmeans to influence, to guide ind direction, course, action, and opinion, while to managemeans to ring about, to accomplish, to have responsibility for, to coduct. The difference may be summarized as activities of vision and judgement-effectiveness (leading)- versus activities of mastering routines-effeciency (managing). Managers emphasize system, structures, controls, and actions intended to acheive predictability and order. Leaders engage in extensive communication to elicit and act on ideas. Ultimately, leaders articulate thoughts in simplified visions that provide people with a sense of direction. Managers are people who do things right, leaders are people who do the right thing.

On global level, for example, the international statesman Nelson Mandela has ejoled and inspired political leaders to work reducing oppression and sharing political power. His goal was to acheive racial equality in his historically segregated South Africa homeland. Mandela as President of South Africa is definitely a leader. But a manager? Proabably not.

Do You Enjoy Being A Leader?
For each statement, circle the number on the scale that best describes you.
1. I like to stand out from the crowd. ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
2. I feel proud and satisfied when I influence others to do things my way ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
3. I enjoy doing things as part of group rather than achieving results on my own ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
4. I have a history of becoming an officer or captain in clubs and or organized sport ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
5. I try to be the one who is most influential in task group at school or work. ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
6. In group, I care most about good relationships. ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

7. In group, I most want to acheive task goals ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

The scale value of the statements is 1 to 5 / from strongly agree. Add the scale value you circled on item 1 through 5. If you total score is 20 or more (strongly agree), you are likely to enjoy being a leader. If 10 or less, at this time in your life you are likely more interested in personal achievement. If your score hn the middle range, your leadership potential could go either direction, depending on event.
As a leader, your style is suggested by your responses to item 6 through 7. For items 6 and 7, if your score is higher on 6 (than 7), you may more concerned about relationships.

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