30 Oktober 2009

Tips for Choosing Flowers

Fatigue life full of activity? Seeing the dried flower arrangement or fresh flowers can surely entertain you. Unfortunately, relatively short-age of fresh flowers. How to choose cut flowers survive for long? The following tips for you in selecting the flowers dry:

1. Pay attention to the bottom of the stem. Select from the florist flower decoration, clean the bottom of the flower stem jakarta. If the section is already soggy or smelly, it's saved at least 24 hours outside the refrigerator.

2. For flowers from florists jakarta stored in cold storage, the end of the stem is usually clean. But we still can guess his age by examining the strength of the trunk. Select stems that are still hard from the florist flower.

3. Buy flowers from florists who still buds decoration. Flowers that had bloomed a sign he was already living a little.

4. Better buy flowers from florists in a state crown jakarja flowers still closed paper or plastic cone flower jakartanya protected so that crown.

5. If the distance between florist flower shop and your house far enough away, prepare a container of water as a place aunga to prevent dryness.

6. Before inserting flower in the container, first clean the stems of the leaves and thorns.

7. Also remove the stem from the slime and dirt that can contaminate the water.

8. When entering a flower, do not let any leaves submerged in water in the container. The process of cooking food that made food made by leaves have a residue of carbon dioxide. When the pent carbon dioxide in water and absorbed by plants again, of course, will damage the crop.

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