1 Juli 2011

Shown Beauty and Confident With Curly Hair

Sometimes, performing with wavy or curly hair will look more different and more stylish. Now get curly hair is easier because of the salon. We can easily change the hair style according to our wishes. Want straight hair styles, wavy hair, long hair, curly hair, it's not difficult to obtain. Well, live maintenance in order to keep hair well groomed and look beautiful. To care curly hair, here are some tips:

Foam shampoo does not need to be leveled. We just rinse after shampooing your hair without leveling the foam to the entire hair. Foam will only make the hair become dry, and eventually become fluffy curly hair. Use of conditionerlah to consider, apply evenly from middle to tip of hair.

Do not let the fluffy hair.
Time to avoid dry hair comb. To work around this radius can be used to set the hair. It would be nice when it is used rarely toothed hair comb. The above step is done after using the conditioner.

Highlighting the hair texture. In this way we will make it easier for the curly hair like straight hair. You can reduce the volume of hair by pinning or mengucirnya in the middle without losing the texture of curly bottom. If your hair terlalumengembang the first set by using the gel.

Providing always gel as anywhere. Gel is very important for curly hair. Very useful once the use of hair gel to make it more flexible and not become hard. To use, hold the hair after it is completely dry. And wipe the merat on the hair.

• Arrange to use the gel. Do terlalau excessive wear. Because it can cause oily hair.

• Alcohol use in styling products can cause dryness and frizz. So be careful to choose styling products.

• Avoid brushing your hair, because it can cause frizz. The beauty of hair is not only seen from the texture, but healthy or not. Not that difficult if your hair styled and cut it ugly, because you can still make the hair curly champion.

The characteristics of healthy curly hair:
pliable, soft, shiny, defined, and not wrinkled.

The characteristics of curly hair is not healthy:
dry, fluffy, tangled, broken ends of your hair, unruly dull.

Those are some tips to care for curly hair. Hope can help your hair dry and wrinkled could look more beautiful.

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