23 November 2009

Why Our Bodies Need Water?

Human body consists of 60% water. If the body could be squeezed like oranges thin, water will produce approximately 5 liters. This liquid water is not pure, but contains many substances that are necessary for human life. Approximately 4 liters of fluid contained in the blood vessels was circulated by the heart. Dikumbah all body cells in the bloodstream it. Our blood also serves as the introduction of heat to the entire body. If you do not drink a day, you will still get the liquid from the ingredients of frozen food. Foodstuffs such as fruits, vegetables, and meats contain between 30-90% moisture content.Besides, the average human get water in liquid form by an average of 8 liters a day.

During the day and night about 10 liters of water running from place to place through various means human body. For example, if we eat, saliva is derived from salivary glands participate swallowed. Water in the salivary glands were replaced in a few minutes with the water that comes from blood vessels through our stomach and intestines.

The water content in the blood vessels are always going steady.Anadai ever you feel "Drought" after exercise in hot air, the water content in blood vessels is not reduced. And no matter what you drink water daily, water levels in the blood will not increase. What happens with excess water? Excess was dumped in several organs, including intestine, liver, muscle tissue, and kidney.

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